Omnipress Reports

Conference Reports

Each year we collect and publish data gathered through a survey of industry professionals to determine what changes are on the horizon and how organizations are responding.

2023 Conference Industry Report

Reflections, Predictions, and the Changing State of Conferences

This ninth edition of the Omnipress Conference Industry Report explores what “back to normal” actually means in 2023, and whether the events of the past three years have permanently transformed event delivery and attendee expectations.

2022 Conference Industry Report

Delivering Educational Content: Current Challenges and Future Opportunities

This eighth edition of the Omnipress Conference Industry Report explores the potential short and long-term effects that two years of disruption to the meetings industry may have on the delivery of conferences and educational content in the future.

2021 Conference Industry Report

Delivering Educational Content: Current Challenges and Future Opportunities

Our 6th annual Conference Industry Report is now available for 2020! We surveyed more than 100 meeting professionals, who indicated that the role of the annual conference is evolving. Learn what that means for your event content.

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