Cut your event printing expense

As meeting planners face higher-than-anticipated rate increases for event expenses, this new solution offers a no-cost way for you to keep your printed program books and proceedings for those attendees that want them.

Meeting planners face tough choices as event costs increase

In-person conferences have returned in full-force, which is great news for the meetings industry. But as event planners return to the conference center, they are being met with higher-than-anticipated increases in critical services, including room rates, A/V, and food and beverage costs.

If the in-person event is also offering a virtual component, there are additional expenses to consider, including enhanced A/V requirements, an online and/or streaming platform, and increased Wi-Fi bandwidth.

As a result, many organizations are looking for creative ways to cut costs without cutting back on the attendee experience.

Omnipress launches new service to eliminate the cost of print

In response, Omnipress has launched a new print-on-demand model—EasyPrint™ that allows organizations to eliminate the cost of print from their event budget, while still offering a printed proceedings or program book to those attendees who still want it.

Jonny Popp, General Manager of Omnipress, explains the genesis of EasyPrint.

“We’ve seen a large percentage of the meetings industry experience two years of revenue losses due to decreased sponsor and exhibitor revenue, decreased registration fees, or events that were canceled altogether. Now, we’re seeing record inflation.”

Adds Popp, “At the same time, many of our customers have faced backlash when they’ve tried to eliminate the printed conference proceedings to save costs. We didn’t want our customers to have to make that choice. Instead, we wanted to be part of the solution.”

How EasyPrint provides a no-cost, print-on-demand option for event materials

Typically, meeting planners will place a bulk print order for program books or other conference materials based on the estimated number of attendees. Omnipress prints those books, ships them to the event site, and invoices the customer for the full amount. The meeting planner then hands out program books at the registration desk to all attendees.

With the EasyPrint model, Omnipress takes on the financial burden of printing the program books. Here’s how.

  1. We create and host an online store that features your printed materials available for purchase.
  2. You provide attendees with a link to this store in your registration materials and conference communications
  3. Attendees use this link to order and pay for materials directly from us
  4. You provide Omnipress with the print-ready file
  5. We print, pack, and ship materials to your attendees, at no cost to you

 EasyPrint allows organizations to retain an important offering to sponsors and exhibitors

 With EasyPrint, not only are you able to give your attendees the printed materials they want, but you can continue to offer program book advertising and other recognition as part of your sponsor and exhibitor packages.

“After 45 years serving conferences and events, we thought we had been through it all with our customers,” states Popp. “But these past two years have probably been the most challenging for them. We just want to do whatever we can to help meeting planners be successful.”

About Omnipress

Omnipress delivers educational content for associations and other organizations. Digital and print solutions for in-person, virtual, and hybrid conferences and training programs.

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