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Video Training Platform FAQs

Answers to some of our most
frequently asked questions from customers.

As you look for new ways to deliver your in-person, instructor-led courses, providing on-demand video content allows participants to access these videos and PDF materials anywhere, anytime. This makes learning flexible and convenient for learners who are now forced to juggle multiple priorities from home.

There are a few different ways that we can facilitate Q&A within our Virtual Conference Platform. First, the platform includes a commenting tool where speakers can go in at any time and answer questions or respond to comments. Additionally, you can designate specific times that a speaker will be available during the day to monitor and respond to questions and comments in real-time.

Many organizations choose to host files for 12 months; however we can adjust that timeframe (shorter or longer) based upon your needs.

Absolutely! Studies have shown that using printed materials to support virtual learning increases learning comprehension and retention. We can print and ship course materials to individual learners at their home or office. We can also bundle these materials and other items into a convenient kit—from practical tools such as pens, highlighters and Post-it® Notes to fun “swag” that enhances your brand and makes it easier to learn from home.

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