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Online Publications Platform FAQs

Answers to some of our most
frequently asked questions from customers.

We offer several access control options that protect the value of your content, ranging from simple and budget-friendly (and no IT resources needed) to more complex. We can provide a shared username and password that is distributed to all approved users, where all users have the same level of access to the entire publication or publication library. You can put the link to the Omnipress online platform behind your own firewall. You can use our License Manager software which provides the ability to grant and manage different access levels without requiring your IT resources. Or we can work with you to establish Single Sign-On (SSO) integration between our platform and your AMS or another database. Your Omnipress account manager will work with you to explore the option that works best for your requirements, budget, and resources.

Absolutely! As part of your platform setup, we will incorporate your logo, brand colors and other graphic elements to provide a consistent user experience between your website, print publications, and other online resources.

Users can search and find specific content within a publication by using the navigation menu, the faceted search menu, or by keyword.

Within our platform, you can choose whether you want to allow users to download and/or print PDFs of your publication. Additionally, you can choose to turn on the browser-based notetaking feature so users can annotate the PDF for their own reference.

The standard length is 12 months however we can adjust that timeframe (shorter or longer) based upon your needs. Additionally, several of our customers have chosen to build a multi-publication library as a robust resource for members.

We can connect data from your digital publications platform to your Google Analytics account. If you have an existing Google Analytics account, we will embed your Google Analytics ID into the platform, which will give you access to platform metrics in your Google Analytics dashboard, including audience analytics, content analytics and traffic analytics. If you don’t have a Google Analytics ID, we can use ours and provide you the credentials so you can obtain the analytics at any time.

While the cost of our platform varies depending upon the number of publications, the size of your publication, and the complexity of your requirements, our platform was designed as a practical, budget-friendly way to deliver your valuable content to members. In the past year, the cost has ranged from $1,800-$28,000. Across all our customers, the average cost is $4,000. One of our account managers will happily provide a quote that reflects your needs and requirements.

All our products are full-service, which means we handle all the setup for you! Each customer is assigned a dedicated project manager who serves as your main point of contact the entire time you work with us.

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