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Virtual Conference Platform FAQs

Answers to some of our most
frequently asked questions from customers.

Our platform serves as a centralized conference hub where virtual participants can access live-streamed sessions, on-demand session content, virtual breakout groups, virtual networking events, sponsor and exhibitor virtual discussion groups and on-demand sales materials. For the live components, we incorporate links to your live program platform(s) such as Zoom or other video conferencing and webinar tools.

We can organize all session content by attendee type and restrict access to just those attendees if desired. For instance, if your conference features sessions or networking events that are specific to your virtual audience. Or, if you’re hosting a hyper-local/hub-and-spoke event, attendees would access the content specific to their location.

There are a few different ways that we can facilitate Q&A within our Virtual Conference Platform. First, the platform includes the Disqus commenting tool, where speakers can go in at any time and answer questions or respond to comments. Additionally, you can designate specific times that a speaker will be available during the day to monitor and respond to questions and comments in real-time on Disqus, or through a live meeting platform that is provided as a link within the on-demand session content.

Absolutely! There are several ways to feature sponsors and exhibitors, including:

  1. Featuring a sponsor logo with “Sponsored by” text within the session description
  2. Featuring sponsor or exhibitor information and collateral within the “More Information” section as featured on our product demo (note: the title “More Information” is customizable, and could be labeled “Sponsors” for instance)
  3. Creating a Sponsor or Exhibitor index, where each sponsor or exhibitor could create and upload a video, short description and collateral material

The standard length is 12 months, however, we can adjust that timeframe (shorter or longer) based upon your needs. Additionally, customers can choose to build a year-over-year library of content from current and past events as a robust resource for attendees and members.

Providing online access to session content in tandem with an in-person event provides a significant amount of additional value for your attendees, sponsors, and exhibitors. After the event has concluded, attendees can re-visit favorite presentations to help reinforce learning concepts. And, they can view content from sessions they may not have been able to attend in-person, which increases the value of their registration fee. For sponsors and exhibitors, the virtual event platform provides additional exposure long after the event has ended. Some organizations take this a step further and offer a year-over-year library of conference content as both a member resource and a source of non-dues revenue.

All our products are full-service, which means we handle all the setup for you! Each customer is assigned a dedicated project manager who serves as your main point of contact the entire time you work with us.

Absolutely! Using the Omnipress virtual event platform as your centralized hub for virtual attendees, we can include links to your livestream platform of choice for synchronous keynote and plenary sessions, poster sessions, breakout groups, virtual networking events, and sponsor and exhibitor meetings and discussions. You can also feature pre-recorded session or poster presentation videos and sponsor or exhibitor promotional videos. To make it easy as possible for your speakers, use our browser-based video capture and recording tool to streamline the process of recording and submitting videos.

We offer several access control options that protect the value of your conference content, ranging from simple and budget-friendly (and no IT resources needed) to more complex. We can provide a shared username and password that is distributed to all registered attendees, where all attendees have the same level of access to all event content. You can put the link to the Omnipress virtual platform behind your own firewall. You can use our License Manager software which provides the ability to grant and manage different access levels without requiring your IT resources. Or we can work with you to establish Single Sign-On (SSO) integration between our platform and your AMS or another database. Your Omnipress account manager will work with you to explore the option that works best for your requirements, budget, and resources.

With our virtual event platform, you have access to two comprehensive analytics tools. If you have an existing Google Analytics account, we will embed your Google Analytics ID into the platform, which will give you access to platform metrics in your Google Analytics dashboard, including audience analytics, content analytics and traffic analytics. If you don’t have a Google Analytics ID, we can use ours and provide you the credentials so you can obtain the analytics at any time. If you use the platforms built-in Disqus chat tool, you will also have access to the Disqus audience analytics which provides session content engagement data.

While the cost of our platform varies depending upon the size of your event and the complexity of your requirements, our platform was designed as a practical, budget-friendly way to deliver your high-quality session content to participants. In the past year, the cost has ranged from $2,000-$20,000. Across all our customers, the average cost is $3,500-$7,500. One of our account managers will happily provide you a quote for your specific event.

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