Top 3 Training Trends for 2022

For many training professionals, the past two years were spent adapting the delivery of existing educational programs and content to the new realities of the pandemic. According to Omnipress’ Training Trends Report, 2022 is all about meeting the changing needs of future learners.

Omnipress conducted annual survey of training professionals

Since 2016, Omnipress has been tracking the evolution of training programs and the delivery of educational content through data collected from an annual survey of training and education professionals at associations, corporations, and other organizations.

This year’s Training Trends Report clearly illustrates how two years of “living virtually” and subsequent workforce disruptions have changed learner preferences. Organizations are setting their 2022 priorities based on these changes.

3 training trends that are getting the most attention in 2022:

  1. Hybrid Learning

Coming out of the pandemic, the workplace has seen a quick and dramatic shift. Until two years ago, on-site was the default way to work. Today, employees have been extremely vocal about their preference for more flexible work arrangements. That same flexibility is carrying over into training programs.

According to our survey data, most organizations do plan to offer a significant amount of in-person training this year. But they are also looking at ways to incorporate a virtual component to their training programs as an alternative or in addition to in-person instruction. The goal is to provide learners more choice and flexibility, while also expanding the  reach of their training programs.

  1. Social learning/learning communities

As more of our daily interactions have gone virtual, we’re left craving human connections and interactions more than ever. When training programs go virtual, we also lose some of the proven benefits of in-person classroom instruction—namely, the benefit of learning together.

When we participate in training as a group we participate more actively, have access to more ideas, receive immediate feedback, and retain more information.

As organizations provide more opportunities for virtual access to educational content, they are also looking at ways to incorporate online learning communities, or “communities of practice” into their curricula.

  1. Microlearning

Over the past two years, virtual training has grown in popularity because it has shown to be more accessible. Logging into a virtual course is easier, less disruptive, and more economical than traveling to a classroom site.

Accessibility also means how well that course—even delivered virtually—fits into a learner’s schedule.  Participants are already juggling multiple priorities. Couple this with virtual fatigue, and successfully completing a long learning module may be difficult.

This year, organizations plan to increase their use of microlearning content in their virtual training programs.  By dividing educational content into shorter segments, the objective is to increase learning outcomes.

3 training trends that are getting the least attention in 2022:

These topics may be the talk of the training industry, but are not a current focus for many training organizations at this time:

  1. Augmented/virtual reality
  2. Micro-credentialing
  3. Gamification (tied)
    Mobile-first learning (tied)

Read the Full Training Trends Report

In addition to current and future priorities, the 2022 Report explores how training programs performed in 2021, how they will be delivered in 2022, and what challenges and opportunities training professionals are facing in the coming year.

Download the full 2022 Training Trends Report to view all the data.

About Omnipress

Omnipress delivers educational content for associations and other organizations. Digital and print solutions for in-person, virtual, and hybrid conferences and training programs.

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