Combining AI with Printed Course Materials to Enhance In-Person Training by Omnipress

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is transforming practically every industry, including training and professional development. While AI is often associated with eLearning, there are applications for in-person training as well. By integrating AI technology with printed course materials, we can create better learning outcomes in the classroom, too.

The Value of In-Person Training

Over the past decade, the eLearning market has grown exponentially. And this trend is projected to continue at a compound annual growth rate of 20% through 2030. But that doesn’t mean organizations are completely ditching instructor-led classroom training. Some content is best-suited for in-person instruction.

In-person training is most valuable in situations that involve hands-on practice, simulating real-world situations, and collaboration. Participants can ask questions, have organic conversations, and get immediate answers. All of which help increase learning retention.

AI Makes In-Person Training More Dynamic

eLearning platforms are using AI to replicate aspects of the in-person classroom, including real-time feedback and live conversations. At the same time, they’re also using this technology to make learning a more dynamic and personalized experience. This is something in-person training can also benefit from.

AI tools can analyze data on a student’s learning style and performance. It then uses this data to adapt training content in real-time and provide individualized feedback and support.

Classroom-based training typically follows a more rigid curriculum. The instructor may adapt their delivery based on how the class is responding. But the content itself—like the printed training materials—is less flexible than its online counterpart.

AI technology is changing this reality.

It’s now possible to pair AI-based tools with printed training materials to increase learning outcomes. Course books and manuals introduce broader topics and complex concepts while facilitating deeper learning and retention. Add AI and other dynamic tools to create a more interactive learning experience.

Four Ways to Enhance Printed Course Materials Using AI

There are dozens of online tools that serve a variety of purposes. Using natural language processing, these tools can analyze text and automatically generate additional resources, personalize content, provide contextual examples, and capture real-time feedback and analytics, right in the classroom.

Students can access these tools directly from a printed course book through the use of QR codes. And you can update this online content without having to change the QR code or the printed material itself.

Here are a few sample use cases.

1. Generating supplemental content

Use AI-powered content generators to create supplemental materials that complement the printed content. These materials are used to provide further insights, examples, or elaborations on key concepts introduced in the broader text.

2. Providing enhanced visualizations

AI-powered visualization tools can create visual representations of text-based content to help clarify complex concepts.

3. Conducting real-time assessments

After completing a chapter or section of a course book, use a QR code to direct participants to AI-driven assessment tools that can provide immediate performance feedback to learners and instructors. Some tools can also give recommendations for additional content based on an individual’s results.

4. Gamification

Turn your low-stakes assessments into a fun and exciting game by using AI quiz generators that include gamification elements like points, badges, and leaderboards.

Although the use of AI-powered tools is more prevalent in eLearning, in-person training can also benefit from this emerging technology. Using QR codes to strategically incorporate AI-driven elements into printed training materials will make learning more engaging, interactive, and effective in the classroom.

About Omnipress

Omnipress delivers educational content for associations and other organizations. Digital and print solutions for in-person, virtual, and hybrid conferences and training programs.

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