Customer Story:
AJ Tutoring

AJ Tutoring saves resources outsourcing printed educational materials for 17 locations, 200 educators.

Flexible print and fulfillment solutions for a growing academic tutoring organization

AJ Tutoring provides private, in-person tutoring services for students in Kindergarten through high school. Delivered as private, one-on-one sessions and small group classes. They focus on academic tutoring and specialized test preparation through a network of over 200 tutors in 17 different office locations throughout the San Francisco Bay area.

Print & Distribute Course Materials

For over 40 years, Omnipress has helped associations and other organizations print and distribute educational materials for instructor-led courses.

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"Omnipress doesn’t just print and store our materials. They take some of the 'thinking' off my plate and provide ideas on how we can improve our products and processes."

Nikki Hannington,
Administrative Director, AJ Tutoring

Challenge: Simplify a manual, fragmented print and distribution process

When AJ Tutoring first opened its doors, it had a much smaller footprint. Office managers at each location were responsible for sourcing and managing their own printing, as well as managing an inventory of materials. Because many of their course materials were provided to learners as a collated packet contained within a folder or binder, the office managers were also responsible for stuffing and labeling up to hundreds of packets at a time. As AJ Tutoring continued to grow, current processes became unsustainable. Additionally, with limited storage space, locations struggled to maintain the necessary inventory, particularly during peak times of the year.

Solution: Flexible, cost-effective print, inventory, and fulfillment management

AJ Tutoring determined that the time had come to consider outsourcing the print and fulfillment of their training materials. They ultimately selected Omnipress because of our flexibility. Through Omnipress, AJ Tutoring can store just the right amount of pre-printed and pre-assembled learning packets that are ready to ship as soon as an order comes in, without the additional inventory fees or restrictions that other providers charged.

Results: A simple process that saves time, so AJ can focus on projects that help grow the organization

According to Nikki Hannington, Administrative Director, “Working with Omnipress has saved us a tremendous amount of time—time that we can now dedicate to other projects that will help us continue to grow.” Today, office managers simply enter their orders into an online portal, and everything arrives on-site. They can also see exactly how much inventory there is, so they no longer need to spend time counting materials. Additionally, AJ Tutoring was able to re-think the format and design of some of their materials, incorporating bound workbooks that were more useful to students, while conveying a higher level of professionalism for the organization.

Project Overview


AJ Tutoring


  • Stapled handouts
  • Binders
  • Perfect bound books
  • Folders with handout packets

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